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Appearance Bonds in Charlotte County FL

At Affordable Bail Bonds, we are always available to answer your questions
and provide the help you need. Check out our FAQs, then call 941-951-0508 for appearance bonds and more!


  • A bench warrant is issued for the person’s arrest and the person’s name will appear in police bulletins as a fugitive.
    The Bail Agency normally calls the person’s home, work, and other references to try to find the fugitive and convince them to appear. If these efforts are unsuccessful, the Agency may then search and employ Bail Enforcement Agents to arrest the fugitive.
    From the perspective of someone who guaranteed the appearance by posting collateral, you want to convince the fugitive to surrender himself to the police or court as soon as possible. Normally, if the fugitive is returned before actual remittance to the state, also, judges tend to get more irritated the longer a fugitive stays at large.
    If the fugitive does not surrender and cannot be found by the forfeiture date, the Bail Agency remits the entire bond to the court and proceeds with legal action to seize and liquidate your collateral.

  • When the defendant’s case has been completed; the court exonerates (releases) the bond and all financial obligations are satisfied. The collateral is returned to the individual who pledged it.

  • We are a 5th generation family business. We pride ourselves on our discrete professionalism and our family has been in the bail business for over 35 years.

  • NO. The bail bond premium is payment for our services. It is fully earned.

  • Once a court accepts a bond, the money paid to the bail bond agent has been earned and cannot be returned. It is the same whether the charges are dropped the next day or after a full trial.

  • Contact us ASAP. There are possibilities that we can discuss.

  • You will have to get permission from the bonding office in writing before attempting to do so. If the court has given you direct instructions not to leave the state or country you must then get permission from the bail agent and the court before leaving, otherwise you are subject to arrest!

Affordable Bail Bonds offers bail bond service in most counties and states. We have over 35 years of experience in Sarasota, Charlotte, and Manatee Counties. Providing quick bail services, there is a Licensed Agent on duty at all times - 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week! We are a full service, 5th-generation family-owned company providing professional, discrete service.

You May Stop By Our Offices:
Monday Through Friday, 9AM to 5 PM
We’re in the office building across the street from city parking

2127 Ringling Blvd. Suite 101-A
Sarasota Fl. 34237
Fax (941) 331-4367

You May Contact Us by Phone:

Bradenton (941) 748-0578
Sarasota (941) 951-0508
Venice (941) 488-0788
Open 24 hours, 7 Days a week

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